Last updated 03/01/2022

This website ( does not use any invasive tracking software. We do not even have analytics tracking.

All of the data you enter is stored on your device (using localStorage). We do not save your data!

What we do NOT collect

  • Your financial information
  • Your browser, os, ip, or other identifiable information.

Who do we share this data with?

No one. No information we have is shared with anyone. We collect nothing so we cannot share anything.

Affiliate links

This site uses no affiliate links. We do not make money from the products or services you choose to use.

Outside links

When you leave via our links, we cannot vouch for the tracking or cookies used by sites we recommend.

This policy was created on 03/01/2022 and was last updated on 03/01/2022. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here: matt [at]